Re: Murkon's Refuge: level 8/9
Gharlane, on host
Thursday, May 4, 2006, at 18:23:56
Re: Murkon's Refuge: level 8/9 posted by essgee on Wednesday, May 3, 2006, at 07:37:13:
> > I've thouroughly explored level 8 and the available part of level 9, and I can only access one of the staircases to get to level 9. I can get through the maze of doors to the part of 9 where Teralt is, but I cannot get to the staircase behind the locked door (where is the key?), and the other staircase won't let me near it. > > > > How to I get to the other parts of level 9? I've been wandering around just leveling up for days because I have no clue how to move on. > > How well have you explored level 7?
Yes, the key you need is on level 7 in a spot which should be pretty obvious (either on a map, or in hindsight after you find it.)
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