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Re: FQ1- Lost the hook
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, April 24, 2006, at 08:23:42
In Reply To: Re: FQ1- Lost the hook posted by mandichaos on Sunday, April 23, 2006, at 20:03:17:

> > Gah! I had the hook and then It fell into the moat...
> It WOULD let me cast the fishing line at the bridge, and the hook for the FISHING POLE (not the one you buy at the store) broke off and fell down there...

This was very much unfamiliar to me, so I went back and checked the message. I think it's being misinterpreted. The exact text is:

"You cast the fishing rod at the drawbridge. The hook embeds itself in it, but not deeply enough to hold. When you reel it in, the hook falls out."

The intention here is that the hook falls out of the drawbridge, but not off the line entirely. Basically the character is trying to pull the drawbridge down with a fishing line (!) but the hook on the line just isn't catching securely enough. No loss is occurring.

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