Re: Update on my mom
Sam, on host
Saturday, March 18, 2006, at 11:36:43
Re: Update on my mom posted by daniel78 on Saturday, March 18, 2006, at 01:47:10:
> Your mention of calcium cells caught my attention. There is new research indicating that calcification is aparently implicated in several deseases. You might want to see the link below for more info.
I wrote out this post, reread it, and it sounds like I'm dismissing what you've contributed here. So, as a word of clarification, I'm not. It's potentially an important thing to take into consideration; thanks for posting it.
I just want to caution against fixating on this study as the whole and inevitable truth of things. There is new research to say just about anything you want, and you'll turn yourself schizo if you cling too hard to every new study. My uncle, who is a doctor practicing in Alaska, taught me an industry phrase: "a preponderance of the literature." You can cite this study or that study, but as a general rule, what you have to fall back on is what "a preponderance of the literature" has to say. Because sometimes it's the only way to cut through all the new and conflicting studies that come out each and every day on some health issue or another.
Honestly, the write-up you link to doesn't impress me. The ultra-condensation: "We found the cause of every bad disease, so buy this book." That said, I skimmed Google for other reviews and found lots of good things about it and no bad things, although I'd have been put more at ease if I had found some peer reviews. If it turns out this book is on the money, it sounds like it will significantly advance medical research. I just want to caution that it be taken with the level-headed moderation every "new study" should be accorded.