EFSM recipe?
justduit, on host
Wednesday, February 22, 2006, at 09:34:44
This is my second time through EFSM, and I want to find the secret area. I've completed all the quests, I've been on the roof and found nothing, and I see references to a recipe in other posts. I have not found a recipe, have I missed it? My inventory is:
Backpack Beaker Blue Paint Bottle Cap Chain Chalk Disk with Virus Earthworm Sample Eraser Fire Map Glass Pane Glue Stick Hot-Wiring Instructions Lighter Mirror N.P. (spoiler edit) Photos of Fashion Show Rust Eater Screwdriver Screws Shirt Soldering Iron Wire Wrench
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
just "I can't" duit
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