Re: Beginnings....
Jeff, on host
Friday, October 29, 1999, at 10:20:12
Re: Beginnings.... posted by Spider-Boy on Friday, October 29, 1999, at 06:00:25:
> > I've only been reading the messages 'round this place for a day or two, but I'm interested in joining the conversation. Hope I can live up to the task... > > > > Sil"a big hockey fan"vercup > Isn't this the thrid in one day. It's getting crowed. Maybe DOOM should of thined the herd before he retired. Hi by the way. > > Spider-i'msillymostofthetime-Boy
Why, yes, Spider-Boy, it does seem to be getting crowded. But since DOOM has long since retired (it seems like hours almost), perhaps a new purveyor of ultimate evil shall rise up to release his unholy minions of demon chinchillas unto the masses. Why, maybe even as we ...umm...even as I type this meaningless post, a new Dark Lord is preparing to rise forth (or fifth) and declare some type of Declaration of Evilpenance, or some facsimile thereof. Why, maybe, even though I've only existed within the Rinkworks Forum reality (for lack of a better term) for about four weeks, I myself shall....naw. screw it.
Je "pardon me while I scratch myself" ff