Re: Serious/silly
Brunnen-G, on host
Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 21:45:39
Re: Advice for new RinkForum visitors (cont.) posted by Fawcett on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 21:34:37:
> If you have been looking at our posts, you will probably wonder, "What looney bin have I stumbled into?" Well, have no fear. All ya hafta do is try to discern which are the serious ones, and which are the... uh, not-so-serious ones. A hint: the posts that say that someone on the forum has a superpower can be taken with a grain of salt... I guess.
Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Some of us are always serious, some of us are always silly, and some (like me) can be either way, depending on the situation. I've been silly-Brunnen-G for quite a few posts now so I might go back to being serious-Brunnen-G, just for a change.
Brunnen-"twice as serious as Mr Spock and a whole lot better looking"G