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Re: Unintended consequences of cellpnone use
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2006, at 14:14:02
In Reply To: Re: Unintended consequences posted by Darien on Wednesday, February 8, 2006, at 07:40:57:

> One serious interjection amidst the insult humour: at LEAST it's not another story about how cell phone radiation is going to kill us all. I'm just refreshed to see something else showing up in the "evils of technology" file for once.

But cell phones *are* going to kill us, but not by radiation. I saw a woman driving a large SUV with a cellphone clamped to her ear with one hand and the other on the steering wheel. She had a cigarette in her mouth. I noticed that she had been unable to turn on her turn signal (she was turning left), but I wondered what she was going to do if she needed a hand for the cigarette. Some possibilities are:
1.drop the cigarette in her lap setting her clothes on fire and causing a wreck that kill's her
2. take her hand off the wheel causing the vehicle to crash, killing her
3. drop the cell phone, causing her to drop the cigarette and let go of the wheel, causing a crash that kills her
4. burn her lip causing her to scream and causing the person she is calling to drop her cigarette, cellphone, glass of brandy, and the steering wheel, causing a wreck that kills her

So you can see that mixing cellphones, cigarettes, SUV's and other deadly stuff can kill you.

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