mandichaos, on host
Monday, February 6, 2006, at 15:48:32
HELP!!! EFSM posted by josh_light on Monday, February 6, 2006, at 14:49:50:
> i have nearly finished the evidence task but i just need to develope 'my ideas' however i am stuck. i heard that i need to speak to mr green but i cannot find him. also i have no idea where to find an alien or any proof. i thought of the biology cupboard but it wont let me near it. i have completed the art task, the game, the classroom, the website and the past tasks > > this is my inventory > Blue Paint > Coffee Filter > Lighter > Slip of Paper > Wrench > > Bottle > Eraser > Mirror > Soldering Iron > > Chain > Glue Stick > Rust Eater > Spool of Film > > Chalk > Hot-Wiring Instructions > Shirt > Wire > > any help would be great thanks
You got Mr. Greene's glasses. You are now totally done with the man.
Biology lab: Poke around the experiments if you haven't gotten rid of the nun yet. That'll do it. If not, forget about aliens for the moment.
Film: It would be nice if you had the free time to develop it. The operative word in the prior sentence begins with a T.
-Mandi "it's not a DeLorean but it'll do" aka Chaos
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