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Re: FQ2, Sap Tap
Posted By: mandichaos, on host
Date: Monday, February 6, 2006, at 15:44:20
In Reply To: FQ2, Sap Tap posted by zobay on Monday, February 6, 2006, at 13:42:14:

> Inventory:
> 6 Onions
> Sack
> Silver Key
> Fishing Net
> Iron Support
> 2 Tree Branches
> Small Silver Coin
> Sap Tap
> Coconut
> I have the Sap Tap but when I try to get sap from the maple tree, it tells me: "You start to pound the sap tap into the tree with your fist but then realize you have nothing to collect the sap in. You'd better find a container of some kind before you try to collect sap." Am I missing something?
> Thanks.

Unfortunately, to buy the bucket you have to totally feed a certain mythological creature's vanity - and the stuff she wants is not easy to find. So to keep this from being too spoilery: Search around the farm. Search the riverbank south of the Indian. Then start working on the royal gardens.

-Mandi "cats have 9 lives?" aka Chaos

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