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Re: esm - stuck -help
Posted By: mandichaos, on host
Date: Monday, January 23, 2006, at 14:59:29
In Reply To: esm - stuck -help posted by corkyman on Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 17:25:29:

> Time Machine
> Chalk
> Glue Stick
> Mirror
> Shoes
> Beaker
> Disk with Virus
> Hot-Wiring Instructions
> Photos of Fashion Show
> Soldering Iron
> Bottle Cap
> Earthworm Sample
> Juice
> Screwdriver
> Wire
> Chain
> Eraser
> Lighter
> Shirt
> Wrench
> I have completed the teachers' tasks, solved Mr A's game, opened the fuse box but can't get any further. Fernandez won't let me climb on the roof and I cannot flip the switch. Pleas help.

1) Go back to the current time. You can't do jack in the past at the moment.
2) Opening the fuse box is not enough. You need to get the map that shows how to mess with it. You have ALMOST everything you need to get it out of its case, but...
3) Isn't it ODD that after all that work involved in solving Anand's game, they didn't give you a thing for it? There is no WAY you're going to stand for that! Go back to the lab and look for something else you can steal.

-Mandi aka Chaos

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