Fantasy Quest almost there!
gees, on host
Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 19:37:46
HELP!!!! Need a clue my inventory is: carrot- sack- rope- hook- branch- silver key- gold key- sword- shovel- scroll- hammer- nails- bow- arrow-fishing pole- club- ticket- winter coat- pass ring- float ring- sunstone- oil-
I have succesfully visited the soothsayer 4times. I fed the hungy man. Gave the guardian the jeweled dagger. Read the book in the tower near the big bunny. I know magic words: snookie wookieems, sanguine, tootle cakes, jello, peanut butter. I have been in and out of the volcano several times. I have been in and out of the Castle in the garden several times. Kill the cat. Can someone give me a hint!!! Where to go. What to do!!!! Pleeeeese !!!!
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