Re: ESM: Stuck in biology lab
aolfreak123, on host
Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 11:29:50
ESM: Stuck in biology lab posted by bronz on Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 09:26:50:
> > I've led Mrs. Laurente to the biology lab, where she's in a threatening mood. However, the game won't let me leave the room until the situation is resolved. Am I missing something glaringly obvious? > > My inventory is: > Blue Paint > Chalk > Glue Stick > Scalpel > Bottle > Coffee Filter > Lighter > Smock > Bottle Cap > Disk with Virus > Mirror > Soldering Iron > Chain > Eraser > Rust Eater > Syringe
You have what you need, but you may need to fill it with a certain solution.
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