Re: Almost done with ESM(Need Help)CONTAINS SPOILERS
mandichaos, on host
Thursday, January 19, 2006, at 18:31:10
Almost done with ESM(Need Help)CONTAINS SPOILERS posted by A guy with no life on Thursday, January 19, 2006, at 17:34:19:
> I have done everything > EXCEPT for the game and get my bag > > I lit the fire, read the file and saw the poster and my guy knows the connection > > I know by reading this board there is a code by this person (SP) about "her creation. driving my teacher nuts" > > I have done EVERYTHING but this game.... > > WHERE IS THE CODE???
I can't tell you that. See, if you haven't read the counselor's file to find out what club S.P. belongs to yet (which clues you in to what display she left the coded message on), the game will not permit you to use it. I could give you the step-by-step instructions right now, and if you haven't read the counselor's file it won't work.
Also, before you even use the code, you can beat the section with the moss and the bats all by yourself.
Getting to read the counselor's file and getting past the moss and bat section in the game both require letting your inner arsonist out.
> Oh, do I use the "item" gotten from beating the chemistry potion? > I am too manly for it
Yes, you are too manly to wear it - except in cases when you need an inch of extra height. It won't really help til after you've gotten your bag and tried to make a break for it.
> Do I use the "item gotten from the real alien's cabinet" at all? > Seems useless
To beat the game, it is useless.
> How about using the "signature of the canibal"? > Also stupid(I read it)
It's not addressed to YOU...
-Mandi "well, the secretaries need SOMETHING to do!" aka Chaos
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