Re: Site Market...
unipeg, on host
Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 16:45:08
Re: Site Market... posted by Jeff on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 16:31:20:
> > > Well, I've once against lost. I was doing so well. At a couple points, I was in second. But that all ended soon after. I ended up in 6th I think (i went by the name of Natedogg), which is still the best I've ever done. Maybe next time I'll get my Rinkworks prize... > > > > *sigh* i ended up in 48th place... actually, towards the beginning of the game i was in the top 10, i think.... i just didn't have time to check in every day for most of the game, and i suffered because of it. but for my second game ever, that wasn't THAT bad... i'm looking forward to the next one. > > > > uni"soon? please?"peg > > I'm actually fairly pleased with how I finished. (#10 Tranio) Especially considering that I normally do most of my online stuff while at work, and our server was down 'til the 21st. I was able to make some initial purchases, but had to ride them out for virtually half of the game. Fortunately, I installed Alta Vista last weekend and was able to trade then. > > Je "first site game, too" ff
wow, 10th in your first game? i'm impressed... and tranio? shakespeare, possibly? i'm having fun hearing people's site market nicknames.... Natedogg makes me laugh, considering all my arguments with some of my best guy friends over the use of the word dogg.
uni"i'm just uni"peg