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Re: EFSM : Sr Mabel 's Office
Posted By: mandichaos, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2006, at 12:21:44
In Reply To: EFSM : Sr Mabel 's Office posted by Marvinthegreat on Tuesday, January 17, 2006, at 11:00:51:

> Can I get some help in getting into Sr Mabel's Office - I have completed all the quests, been up and slowly down the roof, got flying paper.
> Thanks for any help - there must be a way to get past the assistant!

Only if you haven't woken up in the clinic yet. If so, there's no way.

If not... have you taken a moment to READ that piece of paper you nearly killed yourself getting? If I say any more, this post will be deleted.

It is NOT necessary to get into her office to beat the game.

-Mandi "it's a secret" aka Chaos

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