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Re: of use to medical science
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 14:40:57
In Reply To: Re: Mammoth posted by Spider-Boy on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 13:27:09:

> I agree with you Stephen, Science for it's own sake, knowledge for knowledg for its own sake is great. It just the TV show I saw said the Mammoth would be of use to medcial science and I don't see how? I just want an answer. I also want to get my picture taken with the Mammoth clone if it is ever born but I don't think that will happen.
> Spider-reallyscarletspiderkid,thespider-boyclone-Boy

I think the usual reason this argument comes up is that new techniques, or advances in science or technology, often come about when people try something new like this. The mammoth experiment itself might not be of much real use, but breakthroughs might be made in the process that have other applications, such as in medicine. A lot of major discoveries have been made when people are trying to do something completely different, or through coincidence.
On the other hand, I think news writers have a tendency to spout lines like "benefits to medical science" whether or not it has anything to do with the topic at hand. It's something to do with the lobotomy process when they get the job.

Brunnen-"the past is another country, they do things exactly the same there"G