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Re: It's not Christmas yet.
Posted By: Adam Bomb, on host
Date: Friday, December 2, 2005, at 13:17:41
In Reply To: It's not Christmas yet. posted by Crystal109 on Friday, December 2, 2005, at 04:25:48:

> No, this isn't about putting up the Christmas trees, or putting up Christmas lights, because that's cool. This is about the radio. Why is it that the radio stations think it's the coolest thing in the world to play Christmas music as early as *before* Thanksgiving? They could have played music about turkeys or something. But really, Christmas music for this long of a time gets quite annoying. I think it's mostly because it's the same thing over and over and over again. The stations don't even have original songs anymore, which is sad. Oh, well. At least I love my iPod. And I'll get into the Christmas spirit in a few weeks.
> ~Crystal "Happy holidays, everyone" 109

One of our local rap stations switched to Christmas music THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN. They kept this for a day or two before making an announcement about some big changes coming. In the end, they still play rap and the only thing changed was their name.

Sure the Christmas songs they play are crap, but besides the odd classic every now and then, they're a lot of fun to lampoon.

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