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Why, hello!
Posted By: Wedge, on host
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2005, at 00:28:56

Well, well, well. I haven't been on here in a while! Sure, I've made visits to the site, but I just never stop by the message board anymore. I must say, I'm happy to see that Howard is still here! I'm going to have to spend some time here tonight and read up on some of the "going-ons" of everyone!

There's not much new with me. I'm liking the new job, Megan and I are still getting married, although the date was moved up to July 8th because of her shooling, and I have a new computer! YIPEE!!! I got myself (well, it's mine AND Megan's... but who cares about the details?) a Sony Vaio. It's nice. I won't bore anyone with the specs or anything, but I'm FINALLY able to play some games, like Neverwinter Nights, on it. w00t!

I'm currently more involved with the "RedvsBlue" community now-a-days, so ya'll may not see much of me, but you'll start seeing more of me in the future, I hope. Good for me, possibly bad for you... I aren't the most briteest person that ever did walk this earth. So be warned, I can cause a drop in I.Q. and it's not pretty!

That's all! Bye bye!


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