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Re: conduit and booster jobs- perils of akumos
Posted By: gremlinn, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2005, at 21:31:40
In Reply To: Re: coduit and booster jobs- perils of akumos posted by xb4000 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005, at 20:57:59:

> > > > Okay, I have been on this game for months and still haven't figured out the two jobs. I just can't do it without a visual! If anybody could give me anything that can help me (a spoiler if you have to) please do.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks in advance!
> > > > xb4000
> > >
> > > email:
> >
> > I don't like to give out the exact answers to puzzles like this, but if you tell me how you've positioned each set of links [i.e., something like "M01W=outer/north, M01E=inner/north, ..."], I'll tell you where you're going wrong, which rules aren't being followed, and you how you can start a fix.
> Okay, for the power conduit job, the positions are:
> M16E outer/north
> M16W outer/south
> M11E inner/south
> M11W outer/south
> M06E inner/south
> M06W inner/south(north broken)
> M01E outer/south
> M01W inner/north(south broken)
> M26E outer/north
> M26W outer/north
> M21E inner/south(outer broken)
> M21W outer/south(inner broken)

Okay, first thing I notice is that you have some west/east pairs not hooked up. Take M11W/M11E for example. Visualize a circle with M11W on the very left and M11E on the very right. [This will be a cross section of the station.] Let's say the top of the circle is the outer parallel and the bottom is the inner parallel. Then if M11E points across the inner parallel, then you'd follow the circuit from M11E by going clockwise (in terms of clock directions, that'd be going from 3:00 towards 6:00). You'd cross the inner parallel all right, but then right when you get to M11W (at 9:00) there's no link to connect to, because you pointed M11W's link to go across the *outer* parallel. You need to hook it up so that a single circuit goes through all the junctions, so this won't work. The rule you can get from this is that *any* west/east pair have to have their outer/inner links aligned so that both point toward the outer parallel or both point toward the inner parallel.

Second, you don't have all the north/south links pointed in pairs either. You have M06E's link pointed south, but if you go south you reach M01E, where you need a link pointed north to connect properly.

Third, you have M21W's link going toward the outer parallel on a broken section (maybe you wrote it down wrong).

Other than that, the only other rule is that you need to alternate crossing the inner and outer parallels as you move from junction to linked junction in the circuit. You will find that if you pick *any* junction and select one of the four orientations the links can be placed in, that will determine, one at a time, how each successive junction you reach must be oriented. The pattern becomes apparent completely. The only thing to worry about is that the *first* junction's orientation is not immediately clear. I recommend you start next to one of the broken segments, so you increase your chances to 1 in 2 of getting it right the first time, instead of 1 in 4.

> For the booster job, the positions are:
> OP-M08 (exhaust facing north)
> OP-M13 (exhaust facing east along meridian)
> OP-M18 (exhaust facing south)
> OP-M23 (exhaust facing west along meridian)
> OP-M28 (exhaust facing north)
> OP-M03 (exhaust facing south)

You need four pointed so as to maintain (or increase) the rotational speed of the station and two pointed in the opposite direction so as to "apply the brakes" when necessary. These last two have to be positioned opposite one another on the torus (i.e. two boosters separate them in either direction). There's information on the terminal that will say which direction (by definition) is how the station rotates (it's either north or south -- I'll let you find which).

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