Re: Favourite Adventure games live game
Salvatore, on host
Tuesday, August 16, 2005, at 05:24:06
Re: Favourite Adventure games live game posted by robertw on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, at 02:45:24:
Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen eine Internetseite namens "" gefunden und hab mir ma so angeguckt was das ist. Und ich bin überwältig. Jeder der "Das schwarze Auge" oder sowas in der Richtung mag wird World of dungeons lieben. ALso schaut ma vorbei und lasst euch überraschen.
Übrigens das spiel ist ein Gruppenspiel also erzählt es weiter denn zusammen macht es noch mehr spass.
Übrigens bin ich ein Schütze vom VOlk der Hügelzwerge (cool oder?) Mein Link zum Beispiel ist Da könnt ihr mich angucken. > > > > nonsense. i say the best one it one with no silly lame jokes. > > > > > > I have to agree, POA is the best! It has a great plot behind it and is filled with twists and turns. I couldn't stop playing it! > > > > > > Summer-but I like silly lame jokes, too!-Breeze > > > > yeah, but the jokes in the oter ones were too repeditive(Fq and FQ2 had mostly the same jokes. GoA had shadows of those jokes, but it was a really good game.) > > > POA was great, but there were three things stopping me from calling it my favourite. > > 1) I felt as if I spent far too much of the game wondering around aimlessly waiting for something to happen. Some more direction as to where to go might have been nice. > > 2) Far too much mapping was involved. I couldn't play it unless I had my four maps with me, and it took me ages to go into the mines, just because I didn't feel like drawing another map. > > 3) The ending was a bit disapointing. I was hoping for a big fight, but I didn't get one. > > And I loved the silly jokes in FQ, GOA, EY e.t.c. The secret area was just hilarious, great idea! > > Great opinions people, keep them coming!
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