Sam, question about Monster Arena...
Rifty, on host
Wednesday, August 10, 2005, at 12:08:46
So, I and my brother, who are both in the game, were anxiously awaiting the results of last nights Elimination Round 1. Even to the point of staying up until the battle took place. Not having anything to do today, this seemed like a good idea at the time. So, promptly at four, we log on to check the results of the battle and get the scare of our lives when we see this message pop up:
Unfortunately, you have not completed the preliminary rounds of the tournament. Since you are not completely caught up, you will no longer be permitted to play in the tournament.
That's not verbatim, but it's the idea. Anyway, The point is that we had both finished the preliminary rounds, and even on the same screen, it said that I had 9/9 wins, and was in twenty- somethingth place. The battle summary at the bottom detailed last night's battle correctly, and even said I won it.
So, I guess my question is... how could it have told me simultaneously that I didn't finish the preliminary, still mark all my preliminary rounds as wins, and tell me that I won last night's battle?
When I reloaded the page, it all set itself to normal, so I think it was just a timing thing, but I don't understand why it should matter.
Or am I just making too big a deal out of it?