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Re: Candy?
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Friday, July 22, 2005, at 14:36:51
In Reply To: Candy? posted by Sally on Friday, July 22, 2005, at 08:43:17:

> So does 'candy' mean chocolate in the States, then? To me, chocolate is er, chocolate, and candy is other revolting confections made from sugar, such as seaside rock.
> As far as chocolate is concerned, Belgium produces the best. No question. Swiss isn't so good - they put in too much milk and not enough chocolate (though the 85% cocoa solids variety isn't bad...)
> Sally

"Candy" includes chocolate, but is not limited to it. Candy bars often do have chocolate as a main ingredient, but may also contain things like nougat, caramel, peanuts, and even pretzels.

What's really curious is that Dahl's "chocolate factory" also produced things like soda and gum, although this was not reflected in the title. Admittedly, though, doing so might have required another change, on the order of "Jack and the Snack Factory", or even "Josh and the Nosh Factory".

Nyper"Could reminiscing about snacks be considered 'noshtalgia'? Google says yes"old

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