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MV-Lev.3-Sam, Please help!
Posted By: Banan, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2005, at 22:22:33

I think I just messed up so badly that the only way to do anything at all is to start all over in the crypt. Just arrived at this level and found I can't do anything at all except wander around until I use up all the levitation and still not arrive any place where I can do a darn thing.
I think maybe I should have brought some things (other than what I did) up from Lev.4 to play here? Worse, no way to go back downstairs, is there?
I sure could use some advice because I've worked hard to get this far and really won't go all the way back to the bottom and play it again from scratch. Is there any alternative? I surely hope so!!! Thanks, Banan

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