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Re: For 'F"mapmaker"B
Posted By: Banan, on host
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005, at 22:19:18
In Reply To: Re: For 'F"mapmaker"B posted by commie_bat on Friday, May 20, 2005, at 21:03:04:

> > The thing that makes these games so tough for me is that I have 2 major handicaps. !) Not much of a sense of direction. 2) Even more important--I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO MAKE A MAP. If you know a good mapmaker who would like to give me lessons and instructions in how to 'make a map', PLEASE, lead me to him/her. I'm am also a 'computer iliterate and am playing this on a webtv unit. Generating some sort of chart or such is not on the agenda or I just don't have the necessary skill for such an undertaking. I've tried drawing what I see and relating that way. Unfortunately, when walls shift and aren't where they were when I drew them, it sort of messes up my map making attempt BIG TIME. When I say I need help, it's only after I've tried my best. I wonder if I should just not bother with these? Thanks. Banan.
> >
> I've never used a webtv, but that should be no handicap to mapping a level.
> Just grab a slice of quad paper (the graph paper with the big squares), and mark off each square as you visit it or can see it from where you are. Be creative but intuitive - colour in the walls, leave the open spaces blank, mark the pools with a "P" or a circle - whatever looks clear to you. Just make sure you mark north, south, east, west on your map and keep it oriented the same way as your party. And if you can see your coordinates on the screen, use those as a guide. Number your rows and columns, and you're good to go.
> It's totally worth the trouble.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "shifting walls". Only the blue walls move, and I like to mark both positions on my map. If you turn to face a different way, you'll see the same walls from a different perspective. If you notice anything else moving, check your coordinates again.
> ^v^:)^v^
> FB

Okay, thanks. Just one little problem with this is that the movements and co-ordinates don't behave naturally here. I made a graph BIG BOXES as I'm a bit vision impaired and mapped what I could see. This just doesn't work out with this because the numbers aren't the same when I go there. I know where the exit door is and could even give you the correct co-ordinates. Just cannot for the life of me reach that door. The metaphor about a 'hamster wheel' is pretty apt here. I get to where I can see it off on my right and have to move left twice and north to get to go east to that door. Nope, numbers change to the square below the one I'm trying to leave. I'm totally CONFUSED. Been trying this all day since early morning and ready to toss in the towel. Banan

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