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Re: Favourite Adventure games live game
Posted By: robertw, on host
Date: Monday, April 25, 2005, at 09:03:01
In Reply To: Re: Favourite Adventure games live game posted by mandichaos on Sunday, April 24, 2005, at 21:21:14:

Great post, Mandi!

> I have two answers for this: the practical answer, and the caffeinated answer.
> The practical answer = Requires some thinking and consideration over which game challenged me the most without making me want to throw something through the screen in frustration.
> The caffeinated answer = The first game that comes to mind despite the logical reasons for liking the first answer.

Very clever, caffeinated answer lol!

> Personally, it beats GoA because I enjoyed figuring out how to map the sandstone caverns more than I did figuring out how to kill that freaking dragon. But that's largely due to the way I think.

I'm so glad some-one mentioned this, because it's one of the things I can't believe I never noticed when making this topic, even though it relates to one of my interesting stories.

***cue interesting story from a long time ago***
I used to be a member of a Legend of Zelda forum, and around the time I was, there was one question that everyone asked. It was about Nintendo's idea to release two games on the same day: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons , both for the Game boy Colour, and they linked together to form a big story. Anyway, everyone always seemed to ask "Which should I play first?" or just "Which of the two should I buy?". The answer they were always given, and may as well have been copied and pasted from post to post is "If you like solving puzzles and exploring dungeons, and prefer movement items, start with Ages. If you like slashing monsters with your sword, and prefer weapons, start with seasons."
***end of interesting story***

Basically, it seems exactly the same with GOA vs POA. GOA has better fights, but POA has better puzzles. I love a few well placed action sequences, and POA only had one. On the other hand, FQ2 is a prime example of too many fights. I got so fed up with that forest, with a battle on every square. I love a good puzzle, but I love a good action sequence more.

As a random note, the best action sequences in my opinion are when they come randomly, in areas you've already explored well and think you're familiar with, so they suprise you. I've only seen two of these, one in TOA and one in Outlaws, but they always get my pulse racing for some reason.

Anyway, to go against everything I said above, I preferred Oracle of Ages, and obviously GOA. Go figure. . .

> It also saved my sanity when I started my first job and the department had NO FREAKING IDEA what to do with all the new people for about five weeks straight after we got out of training. I happened to be playing PoA during that lull.

What a great story. I wish I had one like that. For me, they all ate up my time when I should've been doing work, so nothing special there.

There must be some others who prefer GOA. Anyone?
Nevermind, I also thought the third Indiana Jones was the best, so I'm used to people not agreeing with me!

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