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Baseball. Bah, Humbug.
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, April 22, 2005, at 15:15:06

Acturally, I have not considered myself a baseball fan since Jackie Robinson retired. Maybe it's because I can't stand hot dogs and hate the smell of spilled beer. Popcorn and Cracker Jacks are OK.

Maybe I just tend to go to sleep between pitches, or maybe I just don't like watching people spit and scratch.

I think the game could be improved enough to renew my interest if they would put helmets on the players so they couldn't spit. And they need to make the diamond much, much larger. I think it would be great if the diamond was so big they would have to provide the helmeted players with brightly colored, advertising festooned cars to get around the bases. They could do away with the ball and bat and decide the winner by who goes around the bases 500 times and crosses the plate ahead of everybody else.

And instead of just doing high fives and heading to the club house, the could wave a checkered flag to signify that the game was over. Now that's a sport that would hold my attention.

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