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Re: POA-Stuck Royally!!
Posted By: gremlinn, on host
Date: Saturday, April 9, 2005, at 06:24:05
In Reply To: Re: POA-Stuck Royally!! posted by Dumbeau on Saturday, April 9, 2005, at 02:02:22:

> > > >
> > > > Tried going everywhere, spoke with everyone, searched Corillis (sp) at least twice and Akumos (what little access I have) twice. Can't seem to progress. Please help!!! BTW
> > > > I've done the first assignment and returned the cat but can't get a new assignment from anyone.

> > > > TY for any push in the right direction. :^)
> > >
> > > There should be a third job waiting for you by now, and you'll also need to finish the conduits job if you haven't done so yet.
> >
> > Actually, it looks like you haven't got far enough for that. There's something you can find on the way *down* to Akumos that you may need to start with.
> Been everywhere and done everything a dozen or more times and here's my new inventory to prove it:
> Leather Briefcase
> Passcard (CQ10001)
> Silver Key
> Pickaxe
> Pet Snacks
> Employment Papers
> Passcard (CQ20024)
> Gold Key
> Sledge Hammer
> Matches
> ISO Access Form
> Passcard (CQ30021)
> Peryolitium Key
> Wrench
> Washcloth
> TSP Manual
> Passcard (CQ60537)
> Vault Key
> Noise Filter Headset
> Round Pot
> Violations Report
> Supply Room Card
> Dragon Key
> Knife
> Small Mirror
> Experimental Results Papers
> Mine Access Card
> Crowbar
> ISO Energy Pulse Gun
> Sleeping Pills
> Beetle Analysis Papers
> OSA Card
> Light Tube
> Tranquilizer Gun
> Rock
> Peryolitium Shell Diagrams
> Izacladia Access Card
> Radio Receiver
> Military Uniform
> Tranquilizer Spray
> ISO Accident Report
> Business Card
> Fire Extinguisher
> ISO Officer's Cap
> Scrap of Paper
> Small Key
> Crank
> Leather Vest
> I.D. Card
> Iron Key
> Metal Rod
> Tachyon Shield Plate
> What do I have to do to keep alive when I go into the dock from the OSM tube? Tried everything I could think of. I'm so close to either winning or quitting and really need some help. Spoilers are more than welcome at this point. thanks. Dumbeau

You've got everything you need, but from your move list it looks like you've been trying the wrong door. The door at M-01 is the one you want (the "Investigate the area" option gives your position almost everywhere in the OSM tube).

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