Fantasy Quest : The Tower in the Forrest
Dedee, on host
Wednesday, February 9, 2005, at 03:29:42
Fantasy Quest posted by Slinkstercool66 on Monday, October 8, 2001, at 19:00:18:
I'm havin Problem I can go in the Tower but I can go further that the first lever, Everytime I move a bokk I'm autside
I carry Sack Hook Sword Nails Club Carrot Branch Shovel Bow Ticket Carrot Silver Key Scroll Arrow Pass Ring Rope Gold Key Hammer Fishing Pole Sunstone I've enterred the south castle but can't pass the gardian I supose I'll need the dagger I've found the magician, get the password from the man, and the indian, killed the cat, the gobelin, the orc, the spirit forrest, the campire, found both notes I dont't know what to do with the pixies as well I fed the gnome as well
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