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Re: You are a very silly man, and I'm not going to interview you
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Monday, October 18, 1999, at 15:17:28
In Reply To: Re: You are a very silly man, and I'm not going to interview you posted by Darien on Monday, October 18, 1999, at 09:54:49:

> > > Okay, I apparently need to draw some attention to the fact that I said *most likely.* Notice that I did *not* say "absolutely, definitely, always, beyond a shadow of a dobut and if you disagree we'll drag you before th inquisition and have you burned at the stake while we watch your body burn away and laugh eating peanuts being sold by guys in silly-looking striped clothing with boxes strapped to their chests walking up and down the aisles shouting "popcorn! peanuts! hot dogs!" and selling their infernal comestables at a rediculously jacked-up price!" Most likely! It was a hint, an indicator; it pointed me toward the assumption that Brunnen-G is male! Get over it already!!
> >
> > What about Hannah?
> Gahhh!!! -goes completely mad, takes out automatic weapons, goes on wild shooting rampage-

And *that*, folks, is why I wouldn't let him have any weapons during the Great Darien Alien Abduction Trial. If people would only listen, but nooo...everyone else thinks they know better...


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