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Posted By: Amanda, on host
Date: Monday, January 31, 2005, at 09:08:33

Don't know whether this will clear anything up for people, but here's how i managed to work it out.

Ok Take a blank piece of paper and draw a circle; make it about 12cm in diameter so you can see what you're doing. Now at least 1cm away fromt the outer edge drawer 3 lines that follow the edge of the circle, make sure you leave an even gap between the lines. Your drawing should now look like you've got one circle inside a broken circle. Now do the same thing with 3 lines on the inside of the circle, but draw these lines where the gaps are in the outer circle.
Now you've got 3 circles, one inside another with the inner and outer circles broken.
Join up the inner and out circles at their nearest point with straight lines. You shuold now have something that looks like a cog with 3 spokes.
Now go to the game and start the Power Conduits job go all the way around the circle marking on the junctions as you go round. When ever you com to a broken conduit, mark it on your drawing by crossing out the appropriate line.

REMEMBER North follows your drawing from left to right or clockwise and East is in the Centre and West on the Outside of the circles.

Once you've worked out how the path COULD work avoiding all the broken conduits all you need to do is make sure you alternate each straight line out of the circle by going inner, then outer, then inner, etc. (You should end up with 3 of each)
If it helps on your drawing you can draw inner as a slightly curved line instead of straight so that you can distinguish between inner and outer. I just marked SIN, NIN, SOUT and NOUT at each junction instead.
If this isn't helpful at all and is just more confusing, then my apologies. if you post your e-mail here i can e-mail the picture to you instead.


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