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GoA: Nothing to Do
Posted By: Dessertfirst, on host
Date: Monday, November 22, 2004, at 01:53:49

I feel a little ashamed for posting so near the beginning, but there you are.

I have:
Diving Mask
Magic Armor of Magic
Life Preserver
Dead Fish
Free Trial Sword of Failing
Key of Questioning
Food Rations

I thought the rope would let me climb the cliff, but I seem to need something else, still. I have no clue how to get a torch. I might or might not get to use the flat circle at some point in the game, but right now I have no clue how to use it or what to use it for. I don't know what to do with the dead fish.

Could you give me a nudge in the right direction, or a hint as to what to do next?

Much appreciated,
Teh Desserty One

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