outlaws beans
Ghoti, on host
Sunday, November 21, 2004, at 07:17:52
I think I need to cook something, from what I've read. I've thrown the branch, but that guy is helping some lady with fabrics. I've circled Linn-something a million times, trying to let the week pass for the dry goods store to open, but that seems to be no good. I don't care for chamber pots on my head anymore. Maybe I need to do something before I can get the beans? Oh. And I've seen the Indians. *nod* Please and thank you in abundance.
^.^ ~Ghoti
Oh yeah! Inventory. xD
14 Dollars / / / Hannibal / / / Feather / / / Powder / / / Cabbage / / / Your Gun / / / Altar Cloth / / / Water / / / Playing Cards / / / Matches / / / Hat Pin / / / Jerky / / / Beer
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