Re: Today's Question
Sam, on host
Thursday, October 14, 1999, at 15:28:59
Today's Question posted by Mousie on Thursday, October 14, 1999, at 14:38:23:
I answered the same way you did, but I have to admit the "rich" answer looked tempting. Wealth for wealth's sake is pretty petty, but if you have a lot of money, you can do pretty much whatever you want to in this life. Depending on *how* rich I was, I'd probably invite myself to Hollywood and start producing and directing my own movies, among other things. But unfortunately the Reader Poll question doesn't allow you to be both rich and smart -- I figured if you were rich and stupid, you'd lose your money really fast and possibly (though not necessarily, depending on how one defines "smart") lack the creativity to use the money while you have it in rewarding ways.