Re: coins...spoilers!
csuadrienne, on host
Wednesday, September 8, 2004, at 21:51:07 coins...spoilers! posted by csuadrienne on Wednesday, September 8, 2004, at 20:18:05:
> Hello all, > > I am not sure how many coins I have given the crazy old there any way you can know? I think it is somewhere close to 10. I have read in some of the other posts that you can get a coin by "rereading something high up" does this mean in the tower again? I have already gotten one coin from up there are there 2? Any help would be greately appreciated. ( I need to get all these 10 coins to progress in the game or is there something else I can be doing in the mean time?) > THANKS ALL!!!! > > You're Carrying: > > 16 Onions > Crown of Destiny > Bottle Opener > Pliers > Sword > > Sack > Float Ring > Cross > Iron Support > Wooden Plank > > Small Silver Coin > Sap Tap > Coconut > Red Potion > Sunstone > > Silver Key > Bucket of Sea Water > Huge Ladder > Green Potion >
OK so I got the where do I use it?? I also got the gate open in the enchanted forest...but I dont think this is the same gate???
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