Re: monster arena elimination round #2, set strategy problem?
Quock, on host
Wednesday, August 11, 2004, at 14:17:49
monster arena elimination round #2, set strategy problem? posted by Quock on Wednesday, August 11, 2004, at 02:21:34:
> Hi, I'm fairly sure I used the 'set strategy' feature for the 2nd elimination round, but I just watched the reenactment of that round, and noticed that my and my opponent's monsters attacked according to the "default" strategy. > > Did the 'set strategy' feature not work during the 2nd elimination round, or did both me and my opponent forget to set strategy???
Seeing that noone else had this problem, I guess it must have been a glitch or something. :-/ Since my opponent suffered the same problem, I guess it's not such a big deal :-)
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