POA: Stuck close to end
lunadragoness, on host
Wednesday, July 28, 2004, at 02:16:46
I have: 2 rubber tubes (1 installed already, 1from CQ6, 1 from OSM) 4 nanoxite stones 5 peryolitium shards(got the one in stream cant find 6th) leather briefcase metal briefcase employment papers tsp manual
id card passcards cq10001, cq30021, cq60537 (missing one i think) supply room card mine access card osa card
small, iron, gold, vault, & dragon keys light tube radio receiver
fire extinguisher crank iso accident report scap of paper military uniform tranquilizer gun and spray iso energy pulse gun rock sleping pills mirror knife round pot noise filter headset wrench washcloth matches sledge hammer pick axe metal rod pet snacks iso officer cap
just need to know what to do next
much thanks!!!
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