toa dumpster/bus
Ooshiegirl, on host
Sunday, July 11, 2004, at 20:39:42
OK, so I've gotten the nerds to the Junkyard, completed all the prof. tasks, and have Verna and Silus in the car, for lack of a better place to put them. I keep seeing people posting about a dumpster- only problem is, I can't find it anywhere!! Do I need them behind the dumpster in order to find the bus? It's Sunday late morning/early afternoon. You're Carrying: 1 Rock Hovercar Key Stylish Shoes Course Textbooks Ladder Map of Elkland Quantum Calculator Crowbar Rusty Key Luna's List Backpack Red Dress Note from Chris Wheelbarrow Jug of Acid Purse High-Heeled Shoes Picket Dinner Invitation Futuristic Gun ID Card Stylish Clothes Enrollment Sheet Gas Canister
A direction/hint would definatly be appreciated. Thanks! Ooshie(someone please help before I start banging my head against the keyboard)girl
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