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Re: Museums
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Sunday, October 10, 1999, at 20:17:35
In Reply To: Museums posted by Darien on Sunday, October 10, 1999, at 11:53:09:

> > uni"hey, i'll come laugh at you as you try to see EVERY MUSEUM on the smithsonian in ONE DAY!!!"peg
> While we're on the subject of museums - our International Club went down to New York City last March to see "Les Miserables" (pardon the lack of accent), and we had a couple days of free time (we went for the weekend). My friend Maria and I went to the Met (-roplolitan Museum of Art, for those who don't know) and spent about six hours wandering around and looking at the artwork. We saw maybe - *maybe* - one twentieth of the museum. And that's pushing it. It was an amazing place... the last time I went to the Met I was in my freshman year of high school, and basically went to get out of the day of school, so I didn't really care about it and had no appreciation for the art. That, I think, is a terrible trajedy; I wish I has paid more attention to it. I enjoyed the museum so much on my second trip...
> I don't really know where I'm going with this. :-} Anybody else have any particular museum stories?

Yeah, I went to the Holocaust Museum in Israel (Can't remember exactly where over there it was.) It was incredible. I think it's the first time a museum has really moved me to tears. I mean, I couldn't say for sure, but I think that it's as close as you can get to feeling like you went through it too. There is a ton of pictures and stories that just go on and on. It really gave me a sense of pride for the survivors, and a deep sense of sorrow for those who died there. And of course Anger at all those who helped the tragedy start and continue.

Of course, my experience was almost ruined because I am agoraphobic, and can't handle being in large crouds of people. I mean, people were litteraly on every side of me. But, I digress....


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