Re: MR Spoiler help needed
knivetsil, on host
Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 13:03:21
Re: MR Spoiler help needed posted by Deadman on Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 11:58:24:
> Hello Grishny: LOL When I got down to level 7 to look for the Stone most of the many monster pictures were along the wall on the right with only about two pictures on the left. That area that is shapped like a plus sign looked like it was the most promissing place for the rock to be and the easiest place to get to. It was interesting that a pool showed up in that spot after getting the stone. On level 7 they may not be able to fight more than two monster pictures before needing to go back to town. How expensive is it at that town when they get killed? And how expensive is it to rest in that town? I have been using Perrin because I thought that Kaliti was to expensive. All 6 have between 150,000 and 175,000 gold. I hope that I can find my way to those stairs on level 6 again. I have two with the map spell but I do not have paper big enough to make a map on. I do take notes and the stairs are 19,5. Maybe I should at least move them to Kaliti. I still want to explore more of level 6. Thank you.
If your group is still only on level 13, then you may want to level up a bit more before exploring level 7 in earnest. But once you do, don't be afraid to base yourself from the town there. With 150000-175000 gold per character, money should be no problem, as long as you don't get killed too often. Plus, there's lots and lots of treasure on level 7 that you can sell. Trust me, you'll turn a profit.
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