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Re: Pop pop pop etc
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, May 10, 2004, at 07:31:51
In Reply To: Re: Pop pop pop etc posted by commie_bat on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 06:40:47:

> > I don't really mind a pop under. They pay for most of what I like on the internet. But if I have read one of them, am I likely to read the other 12 identical ads? If a clerk in a store gives you the same sales pitch over and over, aren't you likely to head for the door?
> >
> Clearly the advertising practice of sending you a dozen identical ads is not terribly effective. But I don't think it's anybody's fault that it happened. I think Rinkworks is hooked up to give you the Classmates popup with a certain (small) probability with each page that loads. It doesn't check if you already have one open. It just opens a new window and gives you the ad.
> Sure, it's annoying when you wind up with twelve or thirteen of the same. But you're only getting one at a time.
> What really makes no sense is why I get five spam e-mails in a row from the same person with the same subject line. At least there they should know that they're sending the same ad to the same person repeatedly.
> ^v^:)^v^
> F"once you pop, you can't stop"B

I'll take pops ahead of spam anytime. I wonder if the computer that sends that stuff could be taught to not send the same ad to the same address more than once a day. I wonder if the advertisers would go to that much trouble?

I am very much against any kind of internet taxes, but I can't help but wonder if a one-cent-per-spam tax, would reduce the flood.

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