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Re: Tarantino Movies
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at 23:07:36
In Reply To: Re: Tarantino Movies posted by Eric Sleator on Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at 00:37:27:

> I didn't mean that they're more realistic in that their storylines are more likely to occur in reality, I meant that stylistically they're more realistic: they're made to look more realistic. Things happen on dirty L.A. streets, and everything that happens in them is more or less relatively possible.

I will give you this perhaps for Reservoir Dogs, which has a sort of documentary feel to it (i.e. it's cheap) but Pulp Fiction is pretty highly stylized. Think about the glowing briefcase, the flashes of orange light when Jules and Vincent blow away the guy hiding in the kitchen, or the square Mia Wallace draws in the air when pulling up to Jack Rabbit Slim's.

Hell, the whole sequence starting with Butch's return to his apartment and ending with "Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead," is like some surreal thing. You really don't think it's stylized?

I will grant that Kill Bill (especially Vol. I) is flashier than PF, but I wouldn't say that makes PF a realistic film in terms of its style. It's just that PF is so damn slick you don't notice a lot of its style unless you really look.


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