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Re: Totally lost Sea Nymph
Posted By: silverfox, on host
Date: Sunday, April 11, 2004, at 07:06:00
In Reply To: Re: Totally lost Sea Nymph posted by istara on Saturday, April 10, 2004, at 23:02:46:

> > Sea Nymph has vanished. I was north in the desert as far
> > as finding the Valkyries making their battle plans. I have
> > The Rink, but he wouldn't seem to do anything, so I put
> the
> > rope back outside and climbed down and rode back to
> the
> > city.
> >
> > Now Sea Nymph has gone. I have walked all round town,
> > visited the stables twice, visited the castle, visited the
> cave:
> > she is nowhere. I can't get back into the desert without
> > her.
> >
> > Bug or have I missed somewhere?
> Weird - I think it is a bug, but it has corrected itself now. I
> went back out of the city into the strange building where
> the Gwuils used to be. On leaving that, I got an automatic
> prompt "you take Sea Nymph's reins" again - even though
> Sea Nymph wasn't there when I entered.

yes she was. but you weren't prompted to take her inside only when you left. that's where she will always be when u loose her.

go back to the valkaries and make the rink invisible. and ask him to go in(several times) when he has make yourself invisible and go in.

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