Loco Burrito The 3rd, on host
Sunday, October 3, 1999, at 15:00:17
I was just looking through the "All Messages" category and I looked for the longest string, it was the Box Puzzle thing... know what I mean? well, anyways, i thought it would be fun to do that again.
In my box, there lives a "hippo". He hates to eat "red" pasturized rehydrated hippo "pellets". But he loves "blue" pasturized rehydrated hippo "gin". He neither likes "rink" or "works" seperately, but "rinkworks" is more than all right.
"Go" ahead and ask. "I" think i may have made "it" a "bit" "to" complicated "though"... "but", "you" never know with a "bunch" of "rinkworks" "geniouses" "running" "around"...
Loco "Burrito" The "3rd"