Freaking Paralysis
Grishny, on host
Friday, February 20, 2004, at 10:48:21
I have a beef, and I want to share it.
I'm currently playing my fourth game of Murkon's Refuge. It is my second one-character only game, and the first time I've used a single character without retraining him the entire time. He is a troll wizard. I'm finally on dungeon ten, but that has nothing to do with my beef; this has been happening since dungeon four.
I used to love it in previous games when I found an information highway. It's a free MEDLEY spell, only better. But in this game, every time I've found and used an information highway, and I mean EVERY FREAKING TIME, I get paralyzed and dragged back to town. This was at least the fourth time. That may not sound like much, but information highways are fairly rare.
Anyway, I'm swearing off the things for the rest of this game. I know it's just a random occurance and has nothing to do with anything, but I'll just be superstitious from now on and stick with MEDLEY.
Ah. I feel better.
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