Re: fq1 stuck in fortress (north)
MsMaam, on host
Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 11:50:44
fq1 stuck in fortress (north) posted by MsMaam on Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 03:11:48:
This is driving me nuts... I've tried everything I can think of several times and can't get a thing... another hint would be a blessing ;P
> I got the gold piece, but I can't get out... don't have the oil or the dollar bill... tried jumping out but it won't let me says I need something else... can someone tell me what I've missed I've been eveywhere > > sack > carrot > rope > hook > branch > silver key > gold key > sword > shovel > scroll > hammer > nails > bow > arrow > fishing pole > club > ticket > winter coat > pass ring > float ring > sunstone > gold piece
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