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Re: Grammar
Posted By: JL, on host
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999, at 19:06:01
In Reply To: Grammar posted by Morris Cecil Glalet on Wednesday, September 29, 1999, at 19:25:27:

>Jever notice how odd perfect grammar sounds? If someone goes "Who are you talking to?" or "I cut myself bad," you pay attention to the message that they're trying to convey. But (starting a sentence with a conjunction: bad grammar in the making), if they use good grammar and say "To whom are you talking?" or "I cut myself badly," then all you can focus on is their wording, because "To whom are you talking?" and "I cur myself badly" both sound a little odd. Also, it really bugs me when people use a strange mix of good and bad grammar, like "To who are you talking?" or "Whom are you talking to?" if you're going to use "whom" or the correct structure (not ending a sentence with a preposition), don't throw it off by using bad grammar. Say "Who are you talking to?" or "To >whom are you talking?", but not anything else (unless you aren't asking who they're talking >to). Man, English is really strange. And don't >even get me started on British English! Or, >actually, DO get me starte on British English. >It could make for a very interesting message >string. Any Brits out there tonight?

Actually, I have noticed this. I've also noticed that different people seem to care to a different degree. For example, I had an English Teacher who was just as bad in her Grammar as we were. At the same time, my world history teacher would jump all over us if we misspelled some strange and/or obscure foreign name. And we had a student from another part of the country with us at the time, too. That was really interesting. So, strange, huh? (Poor Grammar?)