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Re: Unusual Shirt
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Saturday, January 31, 2004, at 06:37:32
In Reply To: Re: Unusual Shirt posted by Mousie on Friday, January 30, 2004, at 10:54:38:

> Like I said, we could probably do this all day, but justifying drinking isn't really my point. My point is that the bible doesn't wholly condemn drinking, nor does anything anywhere leave judgement up to us.

Speaking of doing this all day:

"he that is spiritual judgeth all things" -- I Cor. 2:15

> There is nothing that will turn me personally away from Christian rhetoric faster than those who spout it and use it to judge, especially those who have no experience whatsoever with what they are judging.

The verses in the Bible that caution against judgment do so in the context of hypocrisy (cast the beam out of thine own eye before casting the mote out of thy brother's eye, and all). It would make living a life as free from sin as possible quite difficult if we could not at least judge what is sin and what isn't. And only judging sin to be sin after the fact of personal experience is a more or less self-defeating enterprise.

We're even told to judge each other, in a way: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." (Galatians 6:1)

The directive here requires that one first judge another to be steering wrong somehow.

But your point is, of course, well taken, and I would suggest that what rightly turns you off are those who forget the "spirit of meekness" part, and/or the caution against hypocrisy part (also given in that verse, among others), and/or those who seem to think the Bible says things it doesn't (there's nothing at all I can find that prohibits drinking in moderation).

However, if we can't judge that drunkenness is wrong, and that those who drink irresponsibly are doing wrong, what right could we have to judge similarly that murder is wrong and those who commit it are wrong? I figure "Don't think, just drink!" (without the twist on the back) pretty blatantly promotes *irresponsible* drinking and can rightly be denounced on biblical grounds.

I'm just sayin.

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