kezzh2, on host
Sunday, January 18, 2004, at 19:50:46
I need help! I'm Carrying: Sack Carrot Rope Hook Branch Silver Key Gold Key Sword Shovel Scroll Hammer Nails Bow Arrow Fishing Pole Magic Stone Club Ticket Jeweled Dagger Pass Ring Sunstone
I can't work out what to do next! Where is the winter coat I keep reading about?? What do you do with the pixies / rabbit? I need to solve this before my husband divorces me for spending so much time playing this game!!!
Replies To This Message
- Re: FQ - mandichaos - Sun, 1/18/2004, 20:26:43
- Re: FQ - kezzh2 - Mon, 1/19/2004, 15:55:25
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