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Needing a little direction
Posted By: Tragickomik, on host
Date: Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 12:49:01

Im up to the Cyclops, hes outta the way, cant get past the vampiress, dont really know what to do next. Ive gotten rid of the cat and the lion, healed the indian, but not the tree, given the storyteller a story, rode the log, and now Im stumped(no pun intended)! Please help!! Here's my inv:
4 Onions
/ Small Silver Coin
/ Bucket of Sea Water
/ Blue Rubber Ball
2 Tree Branches
/ Silver Key
/ Roc Feather
/ Iron Support
/ Sack
/ Float Ring
/ Coconut
PS: I LOVE these games. Are there any other sites any of you know of for webtv users?

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