Old fool out of love gives advice
famous, on host
Wednesday, September 22, 1999, at 20:25:37
Re: Young fool in love seeks advice posted by Byron on Wednesday, September 22, 1999, at 18:50:18:
> Exactly my point! I'm getting threats of bodily harm from my friends for not calling her. Perhaps it's just their morbid curiousity in seeing me crash and burn. I'd hate to ruin the perfect memory I have of "her" by calling and being rejected. Hmmm. Anyone older than me wish to impart advice?
Well, Byron, here's my advice. CALL HER! Now, I know at least a few of you will disagree with me, but you asked for an older person's opinion, and I am at least a few years older, so there it is.
But I feel that you may need more than just that phrase to actually convince you of doing it. So, here I will delve into my personal life a little and really offer some advice straight from my heart. (Please keep any laughing to yourselves...I am being serious for once.) Anyway, when I was back in high school, I wanted to go to prom. I would've gone stag, but I really didn't want to do that unless my friends were going to do the same thing, but unfortunately (for me), they all got dates. So, after a period of talking to my friends and being heavily coerced, I got up the courage to ask a guy that I kind of liked to go. I knew he didn't have a date yet, so I thought I had a guaranteed date. Well, you can probably figure out what happened. I called him, and he said no. And he gave me the lamest excuse ever. (It was so bad that I don't even remember what it was, just that it was bad.) Anyway, I was heart-broken. And I moped about it for weeks. But then, one day a guy who was one of my good friends said that if I would take him (he was a year younger and couldn't officially ask me to prom since he wasn't allowed to go unless he was asked) that he would gladly be my date.
Now I know that you are wondering why I would tell you to call her even though I was hurt so bad by that guy. But my point was that even though he shot me down I was still able to go to prom and have a blast. And even if worse comes to worse and she says she never wants to speak to you again, you will be o.k. Life does go on. In a while you will put it out of your mind and only think about it when someone asks you for advice about the same situation.
But, just think if she does want to talk to you...how cool would that be? J
fam "hope that helps" ous